Sexual Violence Anonymous Incident Disclosure

This form allows you to disclose an incident of sexualized violence or misconduct without filing a formal report with the College or external parties such as the police.

This report is received and reviewed anonymously by Coast Mountain College’s Registrar Anuraj Bajwa and the data is kept for procedure review purposes only [see more]. No action will be taken by the College as a result of this form.

A formal complaint or report with the College that will result in action taken may also be made at any time.

Note: This form is not to be used in an emergency or during events presenting an immediate threat to the health and safety of yourself or any College member. If you require emergency assistance, please call 911.


Sexual Violence and Misconduct Definitions

Any misconduct of a sexual nature – physical or psychological – that is committed, threatened, or attempted against a person without the person’s consent, and includes, but is not limited to: Sexual AssaultSexual ExploitationSexual Harassment, Stalking, Technology facilitated Sexual Violence. Definitions are linked to the bottom of this page.

This form is to report a sexual violence or misconduct incident anonymously. 

CMTN recognizes that sometimes survivors do not wish to make a report to police or participate in an investigation with their post-secondary institution.

An anonymous report allows survivors to share an experience and have that experience acknowledged, without initiating an investigation.

I wish to report an incident of:

The incident occurred:

The incident happened

I am


Additional Information

Please use this space to include any additional information you wish to share.  Anonymous reports will be reviewed and will be used to support CMTN creating safer spaces for employees and students.



CMTN is committed to confidentiality in accordance with privacy legislation. Confidentiality must be distinguished from anonymity. If a Complainant wishes to proceed with Formal Mediation or Formal Investigation, the Respondent must be made aware of the nature of the complaint, including the identity of the Complainant. 

To proceed with a formal complaint please click here.

Sexual Violence and Misconduct Definitions

Sexual Violence and Misconduct

Any misconduct of a sexual nature – physical or psychological – that is committed, threatened, or attempted against a person without the person’s consent, and includes, but is not limited to:
a) sexual assault
b) sexual exploitation
c) sexual harassment
d) stalking

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Sexual Assault

Any form of unwelcome activity of a sexual nature imposed by one person (or more) – this could be a partner, friend, acquaintance or stranger – on another without consent, including:
a) oral contact (kissing), groping, touching, oral sex, vaginal or anal penetration, and/or other forms of penetration
b) sexual contact that is forced, manipulated, or coerced
c) non-consensual physical contact of a sexual nature
d) the use of alcohol and/or drugs by a person to control, overpower or subdue a person for purposes of sexual assault

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Sexual Exploitation

Sexual abuse of a person through the exchange of sex or sexual actions for food, drugs, shelter, grades, or other benefits. Generally, this would include a person in a position of power or trust taking advantage of another person.

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Sexual Harassment

A course of unwanted remarks, behaviours, or communications of a sexual nature where the person responsible for the remarks, behaviours, or communications knows or ought reasonably to know that these are unwanted. It includes, but is not limited to:
a) sexual solicitations, advances, remarks, suggestive comments, and gestures (including songs and chants)
b) the inappropriate display of sexually suggestive pictures, posters, objects, or graffiti
c) non-consensual distribution of sexually explicit pictures or video with the intent to distress the person in the picture or video
d) sexually aggressive comments and slurs on any form of social media
e) sexual conduct that interferes with an individual’s dignity or privacy, such as voyeurism, exhibitionism, and indecent exposure.

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A form of criminal harassment involving behaviour that occurs on more than one occasion and which collectively instills fear in a person or threaten a person’s safety or mental health. Refer to Sexual Violence and Misconduct Policy for complete definition

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Technology facilitated Sexual Violence

Technology-facilitated sexualized violence refers to a spectrum of activities and behaviours that involve technology as a central aspect of perpetuating sexualized violence, abuse, or harassment, including but not limited to social media and messaging platforms, digital cameras, and dating apps.

Activities that fall under the umbrella of technology-facilitated sexualized violence include the following:

  • Doxing (sharing personal information online without consent and with the intent to harm)
  • Swatting (making false reports so that police or emergency services are sent to someone’s home)
  • Hate speech
  • Threats and intimidation
  • Trolling
  • Voyeurism
  • Impersonation
  • Spying and monitoring through account hacking or interception of private communications
  • Online mobbing
  • Sexual exploitation resulting from online luring
  • Defamation
  • Non-consensual distribution of intimate images
  • Image-based abuse, including both deep fakes and shallow fakes
  • Sexual harassment
  • Use of a digital platform/device to coerce a victim into an unwanted sexual act
  • Sextortion
  • Stalking/cyberstalking
  • Sharing live streams, videos, or images of sexual assaults

This list of behaviours is not exhaustive and deliberately extends beyond the scope of how technology-facilitated sexualized violence is defined in current academic literature. (Research is currently lagging behind the lived experiences of survivors in describing the behaviours that can occur within the scope of technology-facilitated sexualized violence.)

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For more information, further definitions and a comprehensive detailing of Coast Mountain College's Sexual Violence and Misconduct policies and procedures please see also: