Disturbed Environments

Investigate the role of disturbance in environments of northwest BC. This field school combines GEOG 210 (Environments and Society) and BIOL 211 (Principles of Ecology) in an intensive field school that takes students to stunning aquatic and terrestrial environments in and around Terrace, BC. Explore the resilience of the natural world after natural disturbances such as lava flows, wildfires and floods, and after human disturbances such as forestry, road building and industrial development.

Courses | 6 credits



Admission requirements

In some cases, pre-requisites may be waived. POI form is required for all applicants.
Seats are limited.

Register now!


Dates and locations

Terrace, BC: May 6 to May 17, 2024

Program fees

 Field trip fee $500.00 $500.00
 BIOL 211 $332.04 $1,334.73
 GEOG 210 $332.04 $1,334.73
 Student Union fees $46.64 $46.64
 Total  $1,210.72  $3,216.10


Non-refundable deposit due at registration: $200.00
Full tuition is due by April 22, 2024 (10 business days before start date).

Photo gallery

The class walks along a dirt road, facing away from the camera. The field school group meets a worker on the side of a dirt road. The field school class walks along a dirt road up a hill, with trees on either side. A student in the Disturbed Environments field school measures a creek bed. A group of students take notes in the wilderness during the field school. A student of the Field School takes measurements. A student of the field school takes measurements under the guidance of one of the instructors. A student looks up, taking measurements with their special tool. A student takes notes on a clipboard in the middle of a group. A student points something out to one of his peers during the field school. Two students smile about their findings in the Disturbed Environments Field School. A group of students sift through the creek bed to measure the enviroment. An instructor points out findings to a group of students.